Short bio
Yuzhe Tang is an assistant professor in the EECS department at Syracuse University. He is broadly interested in cybersecurity and distributed systems. His current research focuses on infrastructure security and efficiency in emerging applications, such as blockchains and cloud computing. His research results are published in top cyber-security and systems conferences, including ACM CCS, NDSS, ACM IMC, FSE, IEEE ICDE, ACM Middleware, ACSAC, ICDCS, EDBT, etc. In addition, his research results have been reorganized through various bug bounty programs and influenced code patches in the blockchain developer community. Dr. Tang earns his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from Georgia Institute of Technology and B.Sc. in Computer Science and Technology from Fudan University, China. He serves in technical program committees in venues including WWW, IEEE ICDCS, IEEE TKDE, ACM ToCS, etc. He is the recipient of the Best Paper award in IEEE Cloud 2012, the Best Paper award in ACM/IEEE CCGrid 2015, and AFRL visiting faculty research award 2017.
— presenter's bio has been redacted at the date of last given talk