Short bio
Pascal Lafourcade obtained his Phd laboratory LSV at ENS Cachan on verification of cryptographic protocols in presence of algebraic properties. Then he spent one year at the ETH Zurich in David Basin group, working on WSN. After he was during seven years Maitre de conference at Verimag developing automatic technique for verifying cryptographic primitives, and analyzing security protocols. Between 2013 and 2016 he held an industrial chair on Digital Trust at Clermont Ferrand at Laboratory LIMOS. Now he is an associate professor at the University Clermont Auvergne (Clermont-Ferrand, France). He is a member of the Networks and Security Team of the LIMOS Laboratory.
— presenter's bio has been redacted at the date of last given talk
- 19 Oct 2022 (In)Security of e-exams